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447 Broadway, NY 10013, United States

+1 (516) 835-7843


Flight Itinerary Service

Flight Itinerary

A flight itinerary is the first essential document you must furnish to get your Visa Processing underway. A flight itinerary should not be confused with the actual flight ticket. While you have to pay to get your ticket in hand, the itinerary is completely free of cost, as it only conveys your travel plans to the Visa Officials. Allow us to take care of your next flight itinerary and pay us only when your Visa is confirmed.

A travel itinerary and an actual airline ticket look pretty much the same. Both include your name, reservation number, flight number, arrival and departure dates, IATA codes, and booking ID. But it is the itinerary which tells Visa Officials that you are indeed serious about your overseas trip. Now, while it might be a tricky task to get yourself a travel itinerary independently, our team of efficient and experienced Schengen Travel Agents know how exactly how to process your information with quick turn-around times. We can easily convert the itinerary into a valid ticket once your Visa is confirmed.

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Contact Info

Visit Us Office:

447 Broadway, 2nd Floor #1123, New York, United States

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